Laboratory with microscopes


Exclusively bookablefor everyone at the weekend

What do our own cells actually look like under the microscope? How is a blood group determined with the help of antisera? In our unique open laboratory area, the CellLab, it's all about the very small things that remain hidden to the naked eye.

You can carry out experiments in the fields of cell biology and biochemistry independently at eight experimental stations.

Research in a lab coat and with safety goggles.

With the help of detailed video instructions, even amateur researchers can look at objects under a light microscope at 400x magnification and discover exciting details of their own hair structure, for example. Wearing a lab coat and protective goggles, you can isolate DNA from cells or examine the first step in the digestion of our food.

The new CellLab allows visitors to handle (real) laboratory equipment and provides an insight into the work of a modern laboratory.

A real student lab.

The programme is open to all guests at weekends and can be used by school classes during the week. The step-by-step instructions allow pupils to experiment at their own pace. Steps can be repeated and important content is presented in connection with the corresponding experimental steps.

Cell Lab exclusive.

You can also book the CellLab exclusively for your students.
CellLab exclusive: Tuesday to Friday, 9:15 to 10:15 a.m., €3.00 per person

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