Mirror worlds.

How often do you look in the mirror every day? Be honest 😉 Mirrors are familiar objects that we rarely think about. But why and how do we actually see ourselves in different mirrors? The answer is simple but somehow also complicated and sometimes even mysterious! Come along, try out our mirror exhibits, be surprised, have fun and learn something new along the way.

1 May to 31.12.2024  inCluded In the day ticket


Mirror labyrinth, kaleidoscopes and cylindrical mirrors ...

We will be showing you a wide variety of unusual mirror exhibits in our exhibition from 1 May 2024. The somewhat different mirrors will convince you to take a closer look again: Kaleidoscopes, distorting mirrors or the perfect shopping mirror offer an astonishing and aesthetic approach to the world of mirrors.

Lose yourself in the reflections of the infinity cube, for example, get creeped out by trying to merge your face with a mask or tinker with tricky mirror writing.

The fantastic world of kaleidoscopes.

The word kaleidoscope comes from the Greek and means "to see beautiful shapes". Anyone who has ever looked at a kaleidoscope is fascinated by the colourful figures and patterns.

So take a break from the beautiful kaleidoscopes and let yourself be enchanted. They will mesmerise you with their aesthetics alone and even transport you to the world of the stars.

Did you know?

How is a mirror constructed?

Have you ever looked at a mirror up close? All mirrors have a very smooth surface consisting of two layers: a thin layer of metal - usually aluminium or silver - and a protective layer of glass.

How is it that we reflect ourselves?

To be able to see at all, you need light. When light hits a flower, for example, some of the light is swallowed up and some is reflected back. You can see the reflected light. But this is not a mirror.

A reflective surface must reflect as much light as possible. Metal, glass and even a white sheet of paper do this. However, paper does not reflect because it is very rough - you can feel that. The light is scattered in all directions and you therefore only see a white surface.

Mirrors must consist of smooth surfaces: glass through which the light passes and a layer of metal that is extremely smooth. And that is the secret. The metal surface reflects incident light in an organised way. Every ray of light leaves the mirror at the same angle and hits our eyes. The result: you see yourself in the mirror!

Your phaeno visit at a glance.

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