
As a holder of a valid HarzCard, you get free entry to the phaeno.

To find out which other excursion destinations and attractions are included in the HarzCard, please visit the website www.harzcard.info

The HarzCard is also available at the phaeno!


HarzCard prices.

48 hours*4 days**
adults32,00 €65,00 €
Children (5 - 14 years)***22,00 €45,00 €

* The 48-hour HarzCard is valid for 48 hours from the first use.
** The 4-day HarzCard is valid on 4 freely selectable days within a calendar year. Please note that the card is valid on a daily basis (not 4 x 24 hours).
*** The Children's HarzCard is valid for children aged 5 to 14. Children up to the age of 4 receive the Bambino-HarzCard free of charge in conjunction with at least one adult card.

Further information on the HarzCard:
Harzer Tourismusverband e.V.
Marktstraße 45
38640 Goslar
Tel.: 05321. 34 04-0