Science Talk: Future Coast.

14.12.2023, 18:30 in the Science Theatre

Changes and effects of sea level rise in coastal areas

Ever since humans began to colonise coasts, they have tried to protect themselves from the effects of the sea and to use the resources and habitats available to them. One direct consequence of climate change is rising sea levels. The resulting impact on coastal areas demands our attention and response.

The aim is to preserve life on the coasts and protect the economic area in the face of new challenges, urbanisation and population growth. This raises questions about how we can protect our coasts in the future, what impacts are to be expected, how living conditions in low-lying coastal areas will change and what we can do to adapt.

The renowned representative of coastal engineering, Prof. Torsten Schlurmann, takes up these questions and discusses with his guests in the Science Theatre the expected regional and global changes and effects for the coming decades and how living, natural and economic areas on the coasts will change and have to adapt as a result of an accelerated rise in sea levels. He will present the latest research findings and ongoing studies by the Ludwig Franzius Institute.


The science talk is a cooperation with Volkswagen

  • Thursday, 14 December 2023

  • 6:30 pm

  • in the phaeno Science Theatre



The "science talk" will be offered hybrid in presence and as a YouTube livestream to make it accessible to a wider interested audience outside the region. The link can be found on the phaeno website.