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Clear the stage for science.

The phaeno Slam - science presented with charm and humour. Experience a very special evening in the phaeno Science Theatre, in which slammers provide answers to exciting questions from the world of science in entertaining presentations.

Experienced slammer and presenter Dr André Lampe will guide you through the evening, introduce the participants and provide an extraordinary setting.

You can look forward to fascinating experiments on science in everyday life and exciting research topics from young scientists. At the finale, the audience will decide which of the slammers wins.

The presenter André Lampe.

Dr André Lampe is a physicist, biochemist, presenter and science communicator. He is passionate about science communication and enjoys being on stage, in front of the camera or streaming live on various channels.

André has been moderating our phaenoSlam since 2018. Find out more about André in his blog, book or in his WissKomm project

Guest lecture by Christian Lüdemann.

Christian Lüdemann from the Fraunhofer PR network of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
from Munich will kick off the phaenoSlam with an entertaining talk on the topic of "How to do a good job as a boss".

Christian Lüdemann has been working in science communication for more than 20 years and is a passionate networker. In addition to his day-to-day work, he advises colleagues as a systemic coach and supports young scientists with challenging presentation tasks.

Christian Lüdemann is certain of one thing:

Good collaboration starts with good communication!

The slammers.

👋 Get to know the slammers:

Ann Kiefer

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Sven Bollweg

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Sarah Hiltner

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Sabrina Patsch

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Jasmin Krukenberg

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phaenoSlam on π-day.

The first phaenoSlam in 2024 will take place on Pi Day.

  • Thursday, 14 March 2024
  • 7:00 pm
  • phaeno Science Theatre
  • Admission 8 € (reduced 5 €)

Tickets are available at the phaeno box office and in advance at the box office.

The phaeno Slam will take place hybrid in presence and as a YouTube livestream will take place.

If you don't want to sit in the audience at the phaeno Slam, but want tostand on stage and talk about your favourite scientific topic, please contact the phaeno Service Centre on 05361. 890 100 or send an email to We look forward to hearing from you.