Magical long-distance effect.

Of dicing gods and entangled rabbits.

In her science slam, Sabrina will not only pull rabbits out of her hat, she will also show that there is real magic in the quantum world! Along the way, she will explain what the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for and how quantum sensor technology can get more out of sensitive systems.


Curriculum vitae.

Dr Sabrina Patsch (31) studied physics at the University of Kassel for her Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Both of her theses centred on quanta. She completed her doctorate in theoretical quantum physics at the Free University of Berlin in 2022. During her doctorate, she spent a lot of time at the Collège de France in Paris to realise her joint ideas with experimental physicists.

Since graduating, she has been involved in science communication. In 2021, she became German vice-champion in the Science Slam, and since 2022 she has been City Coordinator of Pint of Science in Berlin. Parallel to her doctorate, she started her own blog Physicus Minimus and published articles in Spektrum der Wissenschaft, c't and Physik Journal, among others. After completing her doctorate, she decided to switch completely to journalism and began a traineeship at the Tagesspiegel in Berlin.

She is convinced: "Physics is fascinating and everyone can understand the basics if you find the right way to explain it.

On their research and work.

Her scientific work focussed on the control of atoms. She has tried to influence them so that they behave in a certain way in order to build quantum technology from them. You can think of it like music: if you play them the right music, they dance a certain dance.

So she irradiated the real atoms with customised pulses of light that put them in a very specific state. Atoms prepared in this way can be used to build a quantum sensor, for example, which is much more precise than any normal measuring device. You can also make these atoms interact with other systems - such as molecules - to learn more about the molecules without destroying them. The atoms then behave like uninvolved observers, allowing it to learn more about a particular molecule.